Wednesday, April 24

My Thoughts on Parabens

Parabens are chemicals that are commonly used as preservatives in cosmetics. My favorite liquid foundation contains methylparaben and propylparaben and my favorite body butter contains both of that and three other parabens. It's really hard to avoid these ingredients unless you make a conscientious effort to do so.

To be honest, I've never really been concerned about such "toxic" ingredients in my beauty products. I mean, if there any ingredients that are truly harmful to our health, they wouldn't be approved for use, right?

My first encounter with such "toxic" ingredients happened about half a year ago and the chemical in question is triethanolamine. I had purchased a hand cream then and I decided to read some reviews about the product. I saw quite a number of reviews ranting about the bad ingredients that were used and I found out that one of the ingredients, triethnolamine, is listed as a potential carcinogen.

Parabens, like triethanolamine, are controversial chemicals. These chemicals are thought to be carcinogenic but there is insufficient proof to confirm this. There is just so much controversy surrounding parabens and I think that there would have been a more conclusive study if they are genuinely not safe for use. There is of course a possibility where a breakthrough in research will confirm the terrifying fact that we have been slathering carcinogenic products all over ourselves for years.

Personally, I do have reservations about using products containing parabens but I'm not ready to give up my favorite products which contain parabens. I may be slightly less inclined to purchase products with parabens now but it will not stop me from using something that I really enjoy or would like to try. I'll definitely try to cut down on my usage of products that contains parabens but right now, I'm not feeling too pressured to get rid of them entirely.

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